SEMS Auditing

The Center for Offshore Safety has developed a series of documents for Safety and Environmental Management Systems to provide companies with guidance for auditing, implementation, and maintenance of Safety and Environmental Management Systems.

Operators are responsible for implementing their SEMS program throughout the life of their offshore operations. This requires a commitment to hazard identification, risk management, and continual improvement as well as to the goals of operational integrity and safety and environmental protection.  The Center for Offshore Safety has developed a series of document to provide guidance through this process. Certain of the documents shown below are optional and others are required depending on the auditee and its location (i.e., inside or outside the US OCS), as shown in this Applicability Table for COS Guidance Documents.

Conducting Remote SEMS Audits

Conducting SEMS Audits

SEMS Protocol and Gap Analysis

Operator-Contractor Agreement Letters

  • These letters can be used by the Operator and the Contractor to document the Safety and Environmental policies and practices to be used at each facility and clearly define roles and responsibilities under such policies and practices prior to performance of oil and gas activities in the Outer Continental Shelf. Selection will depend on the complexity of the work being performed.

SEMS Audit Plan

Corrective Action Plans

Audit Report

Other SEMS Auditing Resources